Contact Us

Still have a question?

For further information on these exciting new
programmes, please contact the WME team at:

General enquiries:
0121 281 3558


Please could you confirm the level of commitment and whether the sessions are live, or whether we can catch up in our own time?

The live learning modules are intended to be ‘live’ enabling the opportunity to ask questions and participate with the facilitator and delegates and therefore I would recommend joining the programme where you are able to attend most if not all sessions. These modules are not intended to be recorded.

There will however be opportunity for self-directed learning in your own time, using CIPD e-learning modules and WME learning hub, and these are intended to compliment the ‘live’ modules.

This programme sounds great and we’d be interested in securing at least one place, preferably more, for our team. Can you please confirm what the next steps are for us?

We are requesting that all bookings are made directly via the application on our website

I would recommend using the online application to register interest for all places, whilst it is likely that the subsidised places may be limited to 1-2 places per authority (subject to demand), we will be looking to run further cohorts to accommodate needs and again would look to offer these places initially to individuals who may have not been able to secure a fully funded place.